Neuropathy (nerve pain) is extremely painful and can be caused by several different health issues, including, but not limited to: Diabetes, Injury, Surgery, and Pre-Existing conditions. Doctor’s prescribe a number of different medications for neuropathy such as GabaPentin and┬áLyrica. We here at Florida’s Best strive to help our customers live a healthy, medication free life style. There’s 3 main ideas to keep in mind when dealing with neuropathy.
- Exercise ALL THE TIME! Stretching, swimming, and low impact workouts are key!
- Avoid using Ice on areas that are hurting. We recommend a small amount of heat only. If you must use Ice, alternate it with heat over and over a few times.
- Many report state that neuropathy is exacerbated by dehydration, so make sure you drink plenty of water out there too!
Thank’s for tuning in for this week’s tip! See you next week!!